Frequently Asked Questions On Men-Women Relationships

Q. What can I do if the girl I like already has a boyfriend?

Be polite and friendly to her, while respecting her choice. Don't stop being her friend. If things do go wrong, she'll remember that you remained friendly and respectful and she may just come to you in a time of need. Don't do anything to break them up, it's too risky and it's better to let things take their course.

Q. How do I tell a girl I don't know that I like her?

Look at her, not stare, just look. When she looks at you, smile a bit, not too happily from ear to ear. If she smiles back, you can approach her. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Q. How can I impress a very shy girl?

Keep talking and ask her leading questions; finding a topic she is interested in and comfortable with will help immensely. Lastly, remember to respect her interest and privacy.

Q. How can I make a special girl see me as more than a friend?

Try leaving noticeable but humble clues, but don't become invasive. For example, ask what her favorite color is, what she hopes to do with her life, where she would love most to travel in the world, etc. Then remember what she tells you and be sure to raise conversations about those topics or create something based on those things to surprise her, such as a travel dream journal or make her a bracelet in her favorite color. These things will impress her.

Q. How do I impress a girl who likes someone else?

Try leaving noticeable but humble clues, but don't become invasive. For example, ask what her favorite color is, what she hopes to do with her life, where she would love most to travel in the world, etc. Then remember what she tells you and be sure to raise conversations about those topics or create something based on those things to surprise her, such as a travel dream journal or make her a bracelet in her favorite color. These things will impress her.

Q.How do I impress a girl who likes someone else?

You could tell her that you fancy her and show her what she means to you. But don't keep asking or moan at her choice! If she says no, then she's not the one for you. However, if you don't ask her, you won't know if she happens to feel the same way about you. Since you've never told her, she may not think you like her. So asking her would be a good choice. And play it calm! Become friends. As your friendship goes deeper, she may come to realize that she likes you better. Focus most on being her friend above all else and let time do the rest.

Q. What if I like a girl and I proposed her but she denied and just asked to be friends like before?

Tell her that you love her, that she is an important presence in your life and that you're happy to wait until she changes her mind. Then accept her friendship. It may take time but the fact that you didn't push her, didn't throw a tantrum and didn't neglect her but instead respected her decision and still offered love, will weigh heavily in her mind and will, as the article is all about, impress her.

Q. What are some good ways to treat girls nicely and avoid making fun of them?

If you want to be nice to her and not make fun of her, find a mutual interest or hobby. If she sees or hears something about the subject and she wants to talk about it, she'll come to you first, because you know your stuff. Also, hold the door open for her and if she has a problem, try everything you can to solve it with her, not for her, but with her. She'll see you as the interesting problem solver instead of the macho guy who likes himself more then he likes her.

Q. Does it do any good for me to try to impress someone who already has a boyfriend?

Analyze the relationship she is already in. If you think you can be a better partner to her, then there's no harm in simply trying to impress her. She can make up her own mind about it.

Q. What are some tips for impressing a girl who is always engaged in a group?

Try to get accepted by the group as an okay guy. After the group knows and likes you, you'll be able to try to get closer to her. This may take time, so focus on this being there for a time.

Q. How do I know when it's time for the first kiss?

You just feel it. And along with it, your partner too will.